Silver Retreat!

Right after I purchased my Essential Oil starter kit I was given links to some videos made by my upline, Lindsey Moreno. This girl spoke to me.  Like, I wanted to be her.   I still do, actually.  I watched her videos over and over and sent them to my husband.  When I even mentioned the idea of possibly sharing oils with other people and making a little extra cash - my husband jumped right on it. He was ALL for this business.  It was he who encouraged me to try something new. The way Lindsey understood the Young Living compensation plan was genius. And the idea that I never had to have a party, or get my friends to have parties, or push order forms on people was exactly what piqued my interest.

So, I decided to share. And my business exploded. Within a year, I had hit the rank of Silver. This rank usually takes about 3 for many people. I was crazy proud. Plus, the money is great! (Check out the average pay at each rank below.  It is spot on)  You guys...this income means so much for me and my family.  It means that I get all my oils and health items paid for, it means that I can spoil those who I love, that I can travel, that I can pay my mortgage while saving money, that myself or my husband can retire early, that I can donate unselfishly, and that financial stress has been lifted

And here I am today, in Utah on an all expenses paid trip called Silver Retreat. I'd like to spend a little time chatting about this FABULOUS experience.

We Silver leaders from Young Living have been spoiled with a lavish trip to Salt Lake City, Utah. Not a dime out of our pockets. 3 amazing nights in a luxury hotel. Lots of Ningxia and fancy foods. Tours of the Mona Lavender Farm, among several other incredible events. Hearing inspiring speakers. Being together. Being with Young Living people, who, NO JOKE, are the best people in the world. (I'm convinced).

It's all standard for Young Living.  They don't know how to do anything lackluster.
(*Words from my amazing upline, Madison Vining.  I couldn't have said it better.)

Some of the amazing people we 

First, how did I qualify for this retreat? I maintained the rank of Silver for 3 months in a row. That's it! And Young Living is rewarding ME with a free flight and transportation around town, a free day at the Mona Lavender Farm, free backpack with oils and other swag, a design-your-own-shirt booth, free GORGEOUS hotel with huge rooms, free dinner with bottles of Ningxia everywhere, free books,   Motivational speakers, parties, discounts on gear, and opportunities to network and meet new people. I'm in awe. We have truly been spoiled.

Free Ningxia everywhere!

Let me tell you a little bit about the rank of Silver for those who don't know much about the Young Living lingo.
( I am stealing some of this information and wording from my amazing upline, Madison Vining.)

When I started, Silver was what I my eye was on.  If I could get there....things would be amazing.  The average monthly income for a Silver is $2,227 with an estimated workload of 18 hours per week.  I get to set my own schedule. I never have to worry about carrying inventory, or shipping products....none of that mess.  No harassing people in unsolicited messages to meet some monthly quote. No makeup. No pants. No ANYTHING besides you and your computer or smartphone, alongside your friends. And the investment to start this amazing business was only $160

I think it's the dream rank for a lot of people.

An entire case of 120 FREE OILS gifted by Young Living
I can't get over how, not only does YL pay that kind of $$$ for the rank of Silver, but they also don't stop there. They spoil the crap out of us. They go above and beyond, every single time, relentlessly. Gifts, trips, mind-blowing opportunities for our families -- it never seems to slow down. They love us hard. 

Oh! And any time I talk about money, YL wants me to include this:


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