Ok, I'm about to get all businessy and sappy here. Leave now if you don't want to hear all about how much my life has changed because of Young Living. #dolladollabillsyall
I have this amazing app called Oily Tools that tracks my business growth and my paycheck. Holy wah! I just looked this morning and my paycheck for the month of October (which isn't even over yet) is the highest it has ever been. I have officially surpassed my teaching salary and this makes my heart smile.
Confident. Brave. Determined. Happy. |
Now I know that people feel icky talking about their paychecks, but let's be honest - I work my butt off for this paycheck. And I have dreams that are actually becoming reality because of that. When I first got my starter kit and I looked at the compensation plan, I thought to myself "hmmm, well maybe I could make enough to pay for my oils each month" That was very quickly the case. My first real month where I started to take this business serious, I made $310. That was awesome! I was able to pay for my own $100 oil order and made an extra $210. This was at the rank of Star.
My FREE case of oils for hitting Silver |
Today, I am the rank of Silver and I am hustling for Gold. I am so close to Gold I can taste it. I want you to take a moment and look this this income disclosure statement, below, from Young Living. The average monthly pay for Silver is $2,200. The average monthly pay for Gold is $6,000. I remember dreaming, when I was at the rank of Star, about what I could do with that amount of money and how that could change my life. You guys - I was able to pay off a car. I can afford to pay our mortgage, our other car payment, and still have money left over to travel. Just yesterday, I purchased tickets to go to Florida for a week over Christmas. This was not something that we could have afforded on a whim, we would have had to save and budget for a while. I am beyond thankful for the abundance this "job" has brought to my life.
Young Living's Income Disclosure Statement |
It's not all about the money. The personal growth has been the largest success, by far. The confidence. The understanding of who I am and what I want. The ability to keep all important aspects of my life in balance (Fun, Friends, Family, Fitness, Field, Faith, and Finance). The realization that each of those seven factors are incredibly important and need to stay in check. The fact that I have finally found out how I am motivated. And how to motivate others. When I look back over the past 3 years, I can see my growth. I see a major difference in my confidence. Even if this business ends tomorrow, I can be happy with everything because I have learned SO much about myself and gained so much confidence. It has been worth it every, single, day.
I currently have over 150 members on my team hustling to flip ranks and create their own abundance.
I've got about 7 members hustling for the rank of Silver, about 16 zoned in on Executive, and about 25 ready for Senior Star. Many of them will reach it by the end of 2017. If you've perceieved network marketing as one person sitting at the top of a company with no chance for anyone else to make money or advance, you're exactly wrong. If you've though "well it's nice that they're doing well, but it's not possible for most people" then you are exactly wrong. People are doing it. People I've known for a really long time. My neighbors, co-workers, family members, gym friends, childhood friends. It is more than possible. We signed up 20 years into a 22 year old company. We did not get into this early, or at the "right time". Do I wish we had known about YL and gotten in even earlier. Heck yes. But I am meant to be where I am at this moment.
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In two weeks, my team has a Retreat planned where we get to do some awesome visualization practices and confidence building. PLUS chat about how to be successful with this business. Of course, we will do some serious networking with fellow oilers too! Go here to learn more and register ----> https://www.eventbrite.com/e/inspire-retreat-tickets-38725097810
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Cheers to October! Cheers to Hustle. Cheers to adventure and new beginnings and knowing that the future is filled to the brim with greatness.
When I talk money, they want me to include the Income Disclosure Statement, which I am happy to do because it is mind-blowing.
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