Why Young Living

There are TONS of companies out there that are riding the coattails of the tried and true essential oil companies.  I find it hysterical when I walked into TJ Maxx or Walmart and see "essential oils" on their shelves.  Oh, and don't forget the shitty ass diffusers they are selling.  It's just crazy.  Let the people who know what they are doing handle the oils, okay?  And then people wonder why others warn "don't ingest essential oils"  Yeah, I wouldn't drop any of that Walmart peppermint crap into my water either.

Bottom Line: Don't be an idiot. Do your research.  I can almost guarantee you that you'll come back to Young Living.  Here is why:

First, Young Living has been around longer than any other - since 1994.  They will always be one step ahead......

Second, the Seed to Seal Promise. Young Living controls every aspect of the essential oil production from the moment the seed is planted in the ground to the moment it is bottled, sealed, and sent to each of us oil freaks.  You guys....I have WATCHED this process in place.  I have planted in their fields. I have seen distillation in process.  I have watched them test their oils.  There is so much care put into each step of the process.  It truly is amazing.

Third, they own most of their own farms.  What about the others they don't own?  Let me give you an example.  One of YL's most prized oil blends is Valor.  It is the BEST!  One oil in that blend is Black Spruce.  Black Spruce was farmed and distilled by a partner farm and sent to YL for testing.  Often times, YL would go through their series of testing and find that the oil was not up to the standards necessary.....because YL aint got time for crap.  They would send it back and wait for another batch.  Guess what happens to that batch that didn't meet the standards?  Other companies bought it and sold it cheaper. #yougetwhatyoupayfor   This is why you see oils Out Of Stock.  We have standards.  Not like those drunk college dudes.


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