Frequencies! Get em up!!!

Do you know that your body is constantly vibrating? Do you know that every single living thing has a vibrational frequency and that can be increased based on the things we eat and the products we are exposed to? That the lifestyles we choose can have a positive or negative effect on our vibrational frequency?

This blend includes ylang ylang, lavender, spruce, cinnamon, galbanum, rose, and sandalwood

Our bodies have a healthy range of frequency and when it dips below a certain level, that is when sickness can creep in.  The foods we eat can have an impact on our bodies frequency.  Raw food, for example, can help increase our frequency to help keep us healthy and working at it's intended optimum level.
Fast food has a frequency of 0.

Moral of the story.....don't eat fast food, you dummy. Blog post done.

Just kidding.
My Tribe. The group that gives me all the good vibrations

Do you ever hang out with a group of people and just feel the energy?  Have you been around people who bring you down, complain, and have negative energy? Have you chosen to surround yourself with people who lift you up?  When I am around people who are increasing their frequencies, I can feel it. And it feels so good. One HUGE piece of my life that I have changed, without even knowing it is just that. I have learned to surround myself with friends who are increasing their frequencies and have avoided those who are not. Being around people who are increasing their frequencies has such an impact on all of us.

 So, what does that mean?

One of the best quotes I have found about increasing frequencies is from this amazing website ---->

"The thing is, when you raise your vibrational frequency you open the floodgates to abundance, happiness, and great prosperity. You travel on the energy frequency and the vibration plane that you wish you exist on, and attract, like a magnet, all the wonders equivalent to that energetic frequency."

How am I increasing my frequencies?  Well, like I said above - I surround myself with others who are working to better themselves but I also eat clean, raw foods as much as possible, workout every single day, take healthy vitamins and supplements, drink water, practice yoga a meditation, and of course - use essential oils.  Below, we will explore what the actual frequency level is of oils, food, and positive thoughts.

Let's talk more about frequencies ------->
Every cell in your body, every single living thing, has a vibrational frequency. When we consume things that have frequency (such as plants - which are living things), we can increase our body's frequency that will increase our wellness. Plants, healthy foods, essential oils, vitamins, and positive thoughts can all increase our frequencies so we don't dip below that level. Pretty cool, huh?

A healthy person has a frequency of around 62-68 megahertz (MHz) and when it dips down, our bodies may start to experience some symptoms associated with illness.

Some fun facts:
  • Healthy human body frequency: 62+ MHz
  • Illness starts at 57-60 MHz
  • Our bodies are receptive to cancer at 42 MHz
  • Death begins at 25 MHz
  • Essential oils have frequencies as well, which can raise our bodies' frequency. They range from 52-320 MHx
  • One of the most important things about essential oils is their ability to raise our body's frequency to a level where disease cannot exist. 
  • Processed food: 0 MHx, meaning it does nothing positive for your health
  • Raw, real food (things that are alive) are the only foods that will raise your frequency. 
  • The essential oils with the highest frequencies are Idaho Blue Spruce (428 MHz), Rose (320 MHz), helichrysum (181 MHz), and Frankincense (147 MHz)
  • Coffee: Even holding a cup coffee can lower your body frequency by 8 MHz (yikes!!!) Taking a  sip lowers it by 14 MHz. BUT!!!! Listen to this: When essential oils are inhaled following exposure to coffee, the bodily frequencies restore themselves in less than a minute. But if no oils are administered, it can take up to 3 days for the body to recover from even on drink of coffee
  • Negative thoughts decrease our frequency by up to 12 MHz
  • A positive thought can increase our frequency by up to 10 MHz
  • Prayer or Meditation increases our frequency by 15 MHz

I'm hooked on my iTovi scanner to help pinpoint where I need to be raising my frequencies and scan myself about once a week. I carry this bad boy on me at all times, so I'd be happy to scan you anytime you want.

My most recent iTovi scan

Essential oils start at 52 MHz and can go super high. Clinical research has shown that therapeutic grade essential oils (remember, you get what you pay for. Do your research) have the highest natural frequency known to man. Seriously, use these babies to help increase your frequencies, people.  You will not regret it.

What are you doing to increase your frequencies? Or, what is one change that you can make to help you inch toward your optimal level?  


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