5 Day Cleanse

It's the coolest thing ever, I get to spend the holidays in Florida.  And although I have been packing on the pounds since last spring, for some reason I decided a 5 day cleanse would be the answer to getting 10 pounds off my big ole' booty by this weekend.  Plus, I plan on imbibing a bit while I am on my vacay so I may as well not pile toxins on top of toxins.

One of my essential oil groups has been talking about starting the new year off with a 5 - day cleanse to start 2018 out right.  Oh, and it's a challenge. You all know how I love a good challenge, right? So, I ordered up all the supplies and started doing some research. I found some really interesting stuff, like all the amazing benefits a cleanse has for our body (I'll explain the boring stuff below). But, I also saw that some of my friends and online acquaintances have dropped 6-10 pounds. Maybe they were full of shit (literally), but I wasn't going to wait until the new year - just in case.

So here I am.  Eating like a rabbit.  It's Day 2 and I'm just sitting here waiting for the pounds to fall off. Why aren't I down like 5 pounds already? I mean, I've been pretty freaking diligent.


*Woke up and thought "there ain't no way I am giving up coffee for this cleanse."  (<----- probably the exact reason I haven't lost a pound yet)

Breakfast - Coffee and almond milk creamer, a Digest & Cleanse capsule, 8oz of water, Balance Complete powder mixed with Almond milk.  2oz shot of Ningxia. Boom. I got this.

Snack - "wait, what? I get to snack?!?! YUUUUUSSSS"  But I forgot to take a snack with me to school.

Lunch - Digest & Cleanse capsule followed by Balance Complete powder mixed with Almond Milk. I'm feeling pretty good.

After School Snack - I'm ravenous. So I break out the celery and peanut butter. Yeah, so it called for almond butter but I had an unfortunate experience this past summer with almond butter. Let's not go there.

*Time to workout.  Lower energy, but still able to rock the Thrusters. Boom!

Dinner - Almond milk, Balance Complete, and 1/2 cup blueberries in the Ninja. Hey, I'm going to be down like 5 pounds when I weigh myself tomorrow. As soon as I wake up. Naked. After I poop.


*Chose not to weigh myself yet.  Probably because I hit snooze approximately 13 times before deciding to roll out of bed. I basically had enough time to get my dogs outside, grab some clothes off my floor, throw some dry shampoo in my hair, and get my shake ready for lunch.

Breakfast - Digest & Cleanse, Balance Complete with water, and a 2oz shot of Ningxia.

Snack - Oh, thank goodness. I am about to eat my arm, I'm so hungry. I think today called for celery and almond butter and yesterday's snack was supposed to be 1 cup of raw broccoli. But, I am a health nut and know my shit so I'm gonna go with.......almonds.  Because that is what I had in my cupboard.

Lunch - Digest & Cleanse capsule followed by Balance Complete powder mixed with water. I'm feeling pretty good. I'd also like to mention that I did not give in to the counter of garbage that so often makes it's way into the teachers lounge. I could totally do without the endless supply of chocolate and cookies in the lounge.

Snack - Apple

*WEIGH IN - I'm down .5. What the actual ____? (fill in the blank).

Another snack - Celery and peanut butter.  Crap. I am not allowed another snack. Dang I suck. But I just feel so bad for myself because I didn't lose 2 pounds in one day like everyone else doing this stupid cleanse.  Pity party over. Game face on.

Dinner -Almond milk, Balance Complete, and 1/2 cup blueberries in the Ninja.


"When am I going to poop?"
"I'm going to be one of those people that gains weight on a cleanse. So, typical"
"Oops, I am supposed to take a 2oz shot of Ningxia each meal"
"Crap, I can't drink wine?"
"I can't wait to eat pork belly tacos at The Stonehouse on Friday night"
"Wait, Friday night is still day 5. I CAN'T EVEN EAT AT THE STONEHOUSE"
"I'm not sure I can make it 5 days"
"Actually, I gave up cheese for 6 months - I CAN do this"
"5 days is nothing. I got this"
"Dang, I am going to rock a bathing suit in Florida"
"I can't wait to see how I feel at the end of the week!"


There is so much crap in the food we eat. Even if we are eating healthy most of the time, we are still experiencing some negative side effects to all the garbage that sneaks its way into our food. We tend to eat high calorie, low fiber, and overly sweetened diets. There are all kinds of problems with this kind of eating - go ahead and Google it. I ain't got time for all that here. Just know we're eating like crap and it affects basically every system in our body. Many people cleanse before an upcoming event (umm....hello!) but realistically we should be cleansing a good 4 times a year to help balance the junk we are throwing down the hatch.


Young Living's 5-day Nutritive Cleanse uses these 3 products:

Digest & Cleanse - A capsule of only essential oils. It includes lemon, ginger, fennel, and anise.  All of these oils can improve digestive function. Basically, these capsules help have a nice little #2

Balance Complete - A superfood powder shake that is high in fiber (11 grams).  The fiber swells when mixed with water and keeps you feeling full. Plus, it can remove toxins and excess fat from the digestive tract (yes please!!).  This blend contains a prebiotic to help maintain the good gut flora.

Ningxia Red - Phase one breaks down the toxins, and phase two removes the toxins. Ningxia red supports both phases. It's packed with antioxidants. It's full of vitamins and minerals. It's easy to digest. It tastes like a yummy fruit juice (and is amazing with LaCroix and possibly some vodka....).  It is great to maintain those energy levels. You need Ningxia in your life, trust me.

Stay tuned. I'll keep you posted on the poundage


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